![]() The Netherlands Indies:
Herrewynen, Cornelia, is born on the first of June 1889 at Abbenbroek, The Netherlands. She is married on the 26th of June 1914 at Abbenbroek with Cornelis Izaak Knoot, born February 10, 1888 at Nieuw-Helvoet. Cornelis Izaak Knoot died on April 9, 1944 at Bandoeng, The Netherlands Indies. He was working for the Department of Justice in The Netherlands Indies. Cornelia Knoot-Herrewynen wasliving in The Netherlands at Hilversum in the period July 1935 - October 1936. She left The Netherlands again at the end of October 1936. She died on August 20,1945 in the Tjideng Camp at Batavia, The Netherlands Indies. Tjideng Camp a women and childRenés internment camp.
Herrewynen, Marie, born June 7, 1920, daughter of Jacob Herrewynen and Roelofje Haisma, emigrade in 1963 with her husband Hans Suurd and her four children to South-Africa. They left The Netherlands from Rotterdam with the ship Jagersfontein on April 10, 1963. The 12th of May they arrived in Kaapstad. They left the ship when they arrived in Durban on May 19, 1963. Destination was Zwarraton, 25 miles from Mooirivier. Marie is passed away on the 7th of August, 1992 in Benoni, South-Africa.
Herrewynen, Leendert, born December 7, 1921, a brother of Marie Herrewynen. He was emigrated earlier to South-Africa. He is married with Hester Margaretha Prinsloo (widow from Prinsloo). His second marriage was with Hester Adriana Slabbert (widow van Heerden), on December 18, 1976 at Germiston. Leendert worked by the South-Africa railway company/railroad. He is passed away in a hospital in Nelspruit, South-Africa, on October 13, 1993. Leendert is buried on October 18, 1993 in Waterval-Boven, 149 miles east of Pretoria. Leendert had no children. Source: Die familie Suurd in Suid-Afrika – Dr. Hercules M. Malan
United States of America:
Herrewynen, Maartje Maria, born May 23, 1900 in Zuidland, daughter of Leendert Herrewynen and Maria Troost, emigrated with her brother Pieter to the United States of America.
Herrewynen, Pieter, born June 17, 1895 in Zuidland. He left, with his sister Maartje, The Netherlands in March, 1920.
Parts of the passengerlist of the SS LAPLAND. The ship departured the harbour of Southampton, Great Brittain, on March 18, 1920. The destination was Boyden, Iowa, United States of America
Photo round the year 1919, before they left The Netherlands. Bas Dekker, Rien and Jan Overgaauw, Maartje and Pieter Herrewynen emigrated to the United States of America. On the picture, at the top: Jasper Quak Brzn,. Rien and Wim Overgauw, Cornelia Herrewynen and Wim Verhagen (Cornelia Herrewynen married in the year 1920 with Willem Verhagen), below: Jaantje Buitendijk (married later with R. Overgaauw), Piet Herrewynen, Maartje Herrewynen and Bastiaan Dekker (Maartje married in the U.S.A. with Bas Dekker). Parts of the passengerlist of the SS Rotterdam. Pieter Herrewynen (36 years) left Rotterdam the 23rd of January 1932. Destination Rock Rapids, Iowa, United States of America. Pieter Herrewynen was in Holland probable for a family visit. Pieter was not married at that moment. On the passengerlist In space 6, "Married or Single" is mentioned the letter "S".
Herrewynen, Adriana, July 8, 1909 in Zuidland, The Netherlands, emigrated to Canada. She is the youngest child of Leendert Herrewynen and Maria Troost (from this marriage 13 children). Adriana passed away on February 12, 2006 in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada. She is with her 96 years the oldest Herrewynen I know. Adriana married Jacob Vlielander. They have had 3 children.
Herrewynen, Jacob, born April 2, 1902 in Zuidland, son of Maarten Herrewynen and Elizabeth Gardenier, emigrated to Canada. He is married on September 16, 1937 in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, with Edna May King. Jacob died on January 10, 1980 and Edna Herrewynen-King passed away on the 10th of January 1995. They have had 2 children.
Herrewynen, Jacobus, born November 2, 1914, as well a son of Maarten Herrewynen and Elizabeth Gardenier. He is married with Petronella (Nellie) Stigter on November 29, 1938 at Naaldwijk. Jacobus Herrewynen is emigrated with his family to Canada in the year 1951.
Herrewynen, Pieter (Peter), born August 20, 1906 in Zuidland. He is a son of Barend Herrewynen and Elizabeth Korengevel. He emigrated with spouse and 6 children to Canada. He left The Netherlands on April 1, 1955. On board of the S.S. Waterman, their destination was Halifax. Peter is married on April 13, 1932 in The Hague, The Netherlands, with Hendrika Wilhelmina Helena Zuiderwyk. Peter passed away on February 10, 1978 and Hendrika on the first of September 2002 in Canada.
Herrewynen, Pleun, born September 6, 1891 in Zuidland, The Netherlands. He is a son of Leendert Herrewynen and Maria Troost. He emigrated in the beginning of the year 1913. The city of recedence moved him from the resident list on February 7, 1913, because of departure to Canada. He was the first emigrated Herrewynen. Pleun married on 23 September 1919 in Vancouver with Bessie Okon Ockoniy.
Herrewynen, Maarten (Maart), was born the 29th of November 1940 at Naaldwijk. He is a son of Maarten Herrewynen and Leentje Boers. Maart has been married with Elizabeth Maria Tiggeloven. She passed away on the 21th of May 1994. Maart has been going to Surinam after his pension. In the mine time he will be living in Surinam for good! He is living together with Rosa 11 miles from the place Paramaribo. Maart has two children and five grandchildren all living in The Netherlands. At this moment his interests is working on a project for educative books for a school at Paramaribo.
Emigrated Herrewynen on the website:
Adriana Vlielander-Herrewynen (Canada), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Cornelia Knoot-Herrewynen (The Netherlands Indies), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Jacob Herrewynen (Canada), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Jacobus Herrewynen (Canada), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Leendert Herrewynen (South-Africa), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Maarten Herrewynen (Surinam), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Maartje Maria Dekker-Herrewynen (U.S.A.), Englisch/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Maria Suurd-Herrewynen (South-Africa), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Pieter Herrewynen (U.S.A.), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Pieter Herrewynen (Canada), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Pleun Herrewynen (Canada), English/Ancestors/Herrewynen, nr.
Source passengerlist: Ancestry.com Source photo Maartje and Pieter Herrewynen:
published: Nov. 2007, update: May 2010.